Physical therapy incorporates a wide variety of treatment techniques, some of which include daily exercises on floor mats or gym machines that move and work joints and muscles. While these certainly play a vital part in the overall healing process, we believe it is manual or hands-on therapy that has shown to be a most valuable method to use for a comprehensive physical therapy program. The use of expertly trained hands, instead of machines, to mobilize muscle tissue and joints has proven time and again to relieve acute and chronic pain, which allows for better tolerance of specialized exercises. Essentially, the process of manual physical therapy helps to realign postural mechanics and reduce biomechanical dysfunctions for more efficient mobility with less pain. This will naturally result in a boost in mental and emotional well-being and ultimately a heightened chance for success of the complete physical therapy program.
With our hands-on physical therapy process, you should see improvements with each treatmentsession, and notice significant gains after 2-4 visits, depending on the severity of your issue. Call us today and let a member of our team explain our many physical therapy services to see what might be just right for you.
Professional Physical Therapy
and Massage in High Point.